2018.7.1 サークル公式第一回活動を行いました! The first official activity!

7.1てくてく公式第1回活動を行いました! この日の活動には9人のメンバーが参加。
登った山は……宝篋山!! 筑波山の南に位置する461mの小さな山です。

Our hiking club “Teku Teku” had its first official activity on July 1, 2018.  Nine of our members joined this activity.
The mountain we hiked is Mt. Hokyo!  It’s a small mountain which is only 461 meters high.  It's located in the south of Mt. Tsukuba. 

日差しは強く、この日は摂氏約30度!  暑い、暑い、暑い!  麓では風さえも暖かく感じました!  ところが!登り始めて三分の一の高さまで到着すると突然風が涼しい風に変わりました。

We started hiking with a nice view of the rice field and the mountain.
The sun was shining strongly, and it was around 30 degrees Celsius.  It was hot, hot and hot!  We even felt the warm wind at the foot of the mountain.  However, the wind got suddenly cool after reaching one third height of the mountain.

The murmur of the stream makes us feel cool!

こまめに休憩を取ります! 休憩はいいですね!特に山中の休憩! 笑
We took breaks often.  It's always nice to have a break especially in the mountain! lol

We reached the top finally!  The view from there is so beautiful!  The wind is so nice!

Photo with everybody on the top of the mountain after lunch.

We took a different route when go down.  The nature always made us feel so nice.


We saw this plant.  What plant is this!?


We took breaks often.  It's time for break!

We reached the foot of the mountain.  The beautiful rice fields again!

登ったところを眺めてます!登りは時間がかかったのに下りはあっという間!さみしく感じます 笑
We went down the mountain and looked up where we were.  It's so fast to get down even though it took a lot of time to get to the top.


We went down the mountain without any accident or injury!  We all are different ages and have different hiking experience, but we helped each other and enjoyed a lot! We thanked our board member and everybody.  Again, thank you very much for the cooperation.

てくてくリーダー 飯田亨平
Teku Teku Reader, Kyohei IIDA


2023.2.12 第30回活動 晃石山~大平山ハイク
